Tracking Speed Script Tracking Speed Script orders in The Citadel

Region Station Price (ISK) Quantity Volume Min. qty Expires First seen
The Citadel 0.5 Oisio V - Moon 1 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant 43.990,00 86 / 195 86 m3 1 10/05/2024 14:02:14 2 months ago
The Citadel 0.7 Halaima VIII - Moon 17 - Mercantile Club Bureau 57.650,00 417 / 666 417 m3 1 09/23/2024 20:42:33 2 months ago
The Citadel 0.6 Inoue VI - Moon 9 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support 62.080,00 1 / 1 1 m3 1 12/13/2024 16:41:26 5 days ago
The Citadel 0.3 Tama VII - Moon 9 - Republic Security Services Testing Facilities 95.000,00 35 / 48 35 m3 1 10/02/2024 09:03:58 2 months ago