Medium F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster Medium F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster orders in The Citadel

Region Station Price (ISK) Quantity Volume Min. qty Expires First seen
The Citadel 0.5 Usi III - State Protectorate Logistic Support 90.000,00 41 / 41 410 m3 1 11/06/2024 00:10:55 one month ago
The Citadel 0.5 Uedama VI - Moon 8 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support 99.000,00 50 / 50 500 m3 1 12/14/2024 21:59:30 4 days ago
The Citadel 0.7 Halaima VIII - Moon 17 - Mercantile Club Bureau 112.400,00 124 / 124 1240 m3 1 12/14/2024 12:43:30 4 days ago